Everyone Matters Here

If there’s one thing we at Emerald Virtual Assistance believe as a staff and a company overall, it’s that everyone matters here. It’s part of our company culture and a value we hold very dear, not only for ourselves, but for our clients as well. Caring for one another and caring about what we do are two sides of the same coin. It encapsulates a true heart of service, which is what we endeavor to cultivate at EVA. Not only does this mindset help us to become better VAs, but we believe it helps to feed our hearts as well.

Caring for One Another

As virtual assistants, we work remotely from the comfort of our own homes. Even though we don’t work in a traditional office setting, when one of us is out, whether on vacation, taking a sick day, or away on a personal day, the whole team feels the impact. In scenarios such as these, we have each other’s backs and no client falls through the cracks. However, it’s more than merely filling in for a coworker, it’s about caring for one another and making sure our teammates have no headaches or messes to clean up upon their return. 

Even more, some days are harder than others, and if one of us is struggling, can’t concentrate, or needs some company, we support each other by hopping on a call and working together to get things done. Everyone matters, and no one gets left behind. It is a must for a company working remotely, and has knit us together more integrally to work together as a singular, cohesive team. We have one vision, and that is for all of us to succeed. We support each other toward that goal by being present for one another, and by truly caring about our individual physical and mental health needs.

Caring About What We Do

It is our goal that our clients are also looped into our company culture. Not only do we genuinely care about our clients, we care about what we do for them as well. Weekly check-ins are important to keep lines of communication open and also to reconnect with one another and make sure our clients have peace of mind. What else can we do for you to make your life easier? Caring about what we do—and doing it well—not only feeds our hearts, but the hearts of our clients too, which makes for a healthy work environment for all of us. 

If we notice a client who might be overwhelmed or who has no idea how to tackle a certain project, we’ll come alongside and offer ideas, assistance, and, if necessary, another VA to help lessen the load. Our tight-knit rapport with each other helps us to better serve our clients together, which brings much-needed relief to any client who might be stressing about the weight of their workload. 

Everyone matters here—VAs and clients alike. Our table is open to one and all, our hearts are ready to serve, and our mindset is “we’re in it together.” We firmly believe that our company culture can change the world—and it most certainly changes the world for our clients.

At Emerald Virtual Assistance, our team of experienced VAs are here to support one another as well as our clients. Schedule a consultation today and learn how your VA will truly care about you and your company.