Work From Roam: A Day in the Life of a Virtual Assistant

A day in the life of a virtual assistant is anything but ordinary. What does it look like to have a virtual job? Who are the people who make up the virtual workforce? Ever since the office went virtual during the pandemic of 2020, more and more people are comfortable with working remotely. Not only do the employed love it, but employers love it as well. Working from home eliminates the overhead of having a brick-and-mortar office, as well as computers, cubicles, and the usual accoutrements of the workplace. There is an affectionate term many refer to when speaking of working remotely: work from roam.

Digital Nomadism

VA’s are what you might call digital nomads. What does that mean? Basically, wherever there is internet access, a VA can do their job. Without being tied down to an 8-5 office setting, VA’s can do their work just about anywhere, from the comfort of their own home to the coffee shop on the corner, or from a ski lodge in Aspen to a beach in Miami—even from a hotel in Brussels.

This kind of remote work is popular with the younger generation who want to keep money in their pockets as well as go on fantastic adventures. Nothing holds these VA’s down as all they need is a laptop and an internet connection. This kind of job isn’t merely for someone who loves to hit the road, but is also for anyone who can’t, or for those who need a little more flexibility in their everyday lives.

The Perfect Job

For those with disabilities, medical issues, or a life that has no room for sitting at a desk eight hours a day, being a virtual assistant is the perfect job. How is working as a VA the perfect occupation, you might ask?

  • You’re an independent contractor
  • You’re not an employee
  • You set your own hours
  • You clock in when you can 
  • You work as you need
  • You do what you love

Do you have a doctor’s appointment? Don’t feel well today? Want to take the kids to the park? All absolutely doable with a VA’s “work from roam” mindset. Your work day is not limited to the shackles of 8-5. Feel free to work late at night, early in the morning, or on the weekend. Clients care about results, not about when you do the work. Absolutely make yourself available for your clients as they need, but all in all, the work itself can be done at the beat of your own drum.

The New Face of Business

For entrepreneurs and business owners, the face of business has changed forever. All remote workers fall under the “virtual assistant” banner. Whether you are a VA, have a VA, or need a VA, “working from roam” is the new standard for today’s office space. Zoom meetings are no longer novel but normal. You’re no longer tied to a local talent pool but are free to hire cross-country if need be. 

Never before has the workplace so grandly broadened its horizons. Office culture will never be the same again—and for your virtual assistant, that is very good news.

At Emerald Virtual Assistance, our VA’s are “work from roam” professionals. Schedule a consultation today and learn how your VA will work to save your time.