Rest Isn’t Earned, It’s a Right

There is a belief in the professional world that if you have a productive day, month, or quarter, then you have earned your downtime. You’ve hustled, gotten things done, and now it’s time to relax. However we at Emerald Virtual Assistance want to rethink how we view our time with regards to productivity and rest. We believe rest isn’t earned—it is a right. 

Time Can Be a Cruel Master

In the corporate world, you accrue vacation time. You need to work X amount of hours or years before you can enjoy time off. This means you’re somewhat of a slave to your workday. You must earn your downtime. For the first few years of your job, you may not have any vacation days to enjoy with your family or friends.

Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, have left that rat race behind—likely for that very reason, to escape corporate America—yet find themselves also a slave to their workday. Longer hours are often needed to get various projects and promotions off the ground. Thus they bargain with themselves. If they have a productive day, or if they’ve worked extensive, hard hours, they reward themselves with rest. If they work a longer day, maybe they can take a longer weekend. But how many “longer days” are needed before that rest finally comes? It’s no way to live a life. 

I’m a firm believer that taking the time to nurture yourself and those you care deeply about today helps to ward off burnout and ennui later on.” –Emerald Storm

Time Can Be a Beautiful Gift

While time can be a cruel master, there is also an opposite truth. Time can be a beautiful gift. Managing your time well is a beneficial way to ensure you schedule time to rest. Time blocking is essential for many entrepreneurs and small business owners for the simple fact that you need to eat lunch and you need to have heads-down time. But you also need your sanity, and scheduling time to rest is just as important as any meeting or company call you might have. 

Our founder, Emerald Storm, is a huge believer in taking care of yourself first and then taking care of your business. It’s not only her vision for EVA, but for her VA’s as well. Our company culture revolves around self-care and watching out for one another. Are you getting burned out? Overwhelmed? Overworked? It’s time to step away. Relax for a while, ask someone for help, or take a mental health day.

At the end of our team meeting every week, I remind our VA’s to do something over the weekend that will fill up their souls. I don’t care if it’s going for a walk along the river, trying a new recipe, or getting down on the floor and playing Barbies with your kiddos. When you honor the values you hold dear, you will automatically feel like time expands and you have more energy to live the life of your dreams today. This is my dearest wish for our VA’s and for our clients—stop waiting for “someday” and do the things that mean the most as often as possible.” –Emerald Storm

Emerald not only firmly believes in self-care, but that time is the one true commodity we have. Before you know it, kids grow up, years pass like days, and suddenly the most important thing in your life is having more time. 

More Than a Business

EVA is more than a business, it’s a belief—a belief that we all have the right to more time, more rest, and more taking care of ourselves. By this belief, we give our clients back their precious time, and every single one of Emerald’s VA’s know that our time is precious too. 

Rest isn’t earned, it’s a right. Let EVA give you the beautiful gift of time. 

At Emerald Virtual Assistance, our VA’s know the worth of rest. Schedule a consultation today and learn how your VA will give you back your most valuable commodity.